Everyones mad but youre really loco
Everyones loopy but youre further far gone
You live on hearty-choke and coco
But hickory dickory dock youre a
Cookoo funky monkey right on
Rip your skull off and show us your brain
Get your frontal lobes out for the boys
And board that psycho train
There are no answers cause there are no questions
There is no need for sugar coating or lies
No ones right cause there aint no function
Cept jiggery folkery mockery sock it to em tween the eyes
So no youre not if you were wondering
What youve got is free terrain
And though the skies at times are thundering
Its tickety-boot if youve stem and a root
Youll flower in the rain
Stoneye Productions 2005. All rights reserved.
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