Song for Sharon

What do you think you will achieve
Other than a thousand year war for generations to grieve
You mad man God man raging rabid dog of Zion
Men and hope lie dying all around you

What do you think you will achieve
When Arafatchance takes his leave
You idiot fat gut war monger with the doors shut
Suicide nowhere to hide
Bombs and bodies falling all around you

And you of all men should remember of when
You were crushed just like you're now crushing
Holy hope is so hollow cost rises bring sorrow
And it'll be the same shameful show in the morning
Wipe this blood off your hands and free these two lands
From this sick cycle of horror and mourning

How do you sleep what's in your dreams
D' you ever weep when you hear all the screams
Of the children killed an' willed to weild a gun
And genocide by side for ever more well done
Well done mad Sharon of Zion

So much sorrow
For generations to come
Mad dog of Zion


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Site By Strix Design.
Last updated: 18/01/2004