Sometimes I cook up boloney
Sometimes I strip the bone
Sometimes I get lonely
Sometimes I can phone
Sometimes theres nothing I can do at all
You can catch me on the stairs
Ill be up and down untill I buckle and fall
I wish I could talk to you now
I wish youd talk to me
I wish I could walk to you how
Weve built a wall I cannot see anything
That I can do or say or change at all
You can count it if youre counting
You can hit and kick and throw and have a ball
Its a wierd place to find yourself
Sitting in your head
Its that feared place you rarely show yourself
Up in the loft where the memories weigh like lead
Sometimes I find the funeral
Sometimes I dig the grave
Sometimes I find a cure-all
That does nothing to save me
Sometimes theres everything to play for
But I dont hear the call
You can catch me in the quick-sand struggling
Trying to scratch and claw and crawl
Memories good and bad
Stoneye Productions 2005. All rights reserved.
Site By Strix Design.
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