Seven Minutes

You’re a conceited little shit to even think of it
To think your life is planned out from the start
That every breath you take and every move you make
Is guided by a hand and not your heart

Though I shouldn’t be so hard on those who think each card
I s waiting to be laid upon the other
It’s common place in man to assume there is a plan
When he can’t get all the answers from his mother

So why did he chose six million Jews
And not the crazy bastard who deserved it
Why did the dog send down the fog
That saved him by just seven minutes

And George Elsar was caught and like millions that fought
Fell at the hands of the power
That was given by God the almighty Sod
In one more darkest hour

You follow your code like the only road
With no logic freedom or sense
I’m sure heaven’s knee deep in short sighted sheep
Who never knew of life beyond the fence

But we’ll wipe our hands of you
And your motley crew
Who worry the sheep with your bullshit
Spreading like butter the words of a nutter
That below and roar from the pulpit


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Site By Strix Design.
Last updated: 18/01/2004